FPMT in Australia

Photographer: Shenglu Wu

Find Australian Centres

A complete listing of all Australian FPMT centres and links to their websites.

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A schedule of online events in Australian centres.

FPMT around the world

Stay up to date with FPMT news from around the world.

Meditation Practices

Deity Practices

Vipassana and Mindfulness Meditations

Shamatha and Calm Abiding Meditations

Appreciative Joy Meditations

Cultivating Love and Compassion Meditations

Dealing with Anxiety and Fear Meditations

Photographers: Top middle – Stephie Brennan, Bottom middle – Venerable Lobsang Sherab – other artists and photographer unknown. Please contact us for acknowledgement.

2025 Pilgrimage with Geshe Tenzin Zopa

Photographer: Stephie Brennan

Following the success of the pilgrimage to Nepal’s sacred places last November (check out our gallery), led by Buddhist master, Geshe Tenzin Zopa, we are incredibly fortunate that Geshela has agreed to lead another pilgrimage for FPMT in Australia in 2025. Geshe Zopa has his base in Australia, and travels the world teaching and leading dharma events as an international FPMT geshe. Watch this space as we make our announcement in coming weeks!

Photographer: Renate Alyaudinov.